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Unbecoming to Become 6 Week Course
About Brianna (How I Started) (9:44)
Module 1: Mindfulness
Lesson 1: Self-Awareness (24:14)
Lesson 2: Setting Boundaries (11:14)
Lesson 3: Acknowledgment (11:03)
Lesson 4: Complete M1 Workbook Prompts
Module 2: Balance
Lesson 1: What is Balance? (5:38)
Lesson 2: Identifying what is out of proportion in your life (4:48)
Lesson 3: Creating a balanced plan (8:35)
Lesson 4: Complete M2 Workbook Prompts
Module 3: Management
Lesson 1: Managing your emotions (10:45)
Lesson 2: Managing your gifts (12:01)
Lesson 3: Managing your time (10:11)
Lesson 4: Complete M3 Workbook Prompts
Module 4: Becoming
Lesson 1: Practicing Self-Love (13:02)
Lesson 2: Practicing Gratefulness (8:07)
Lesson 3: Practicing Acceptance (7:09)
Lesson 4: Practicing Self-Reflection (8:08)
Lesson 5: Complete M4 Workbook Prompts
Module 5: Creating Healthy Routines
Lesson 1: Why are routines important? (6:47)
Lesson 2: Ending the Cycle. (Mindset) (9:28)
Lesson 3: Complete M5 Workbook Prompts
Module 6: Prayer
Lesson 1: What is a prayer life? (11:22)
Lesson 2: Creating a prayer life (5:03)
Lesson 3: Complete M6 Workbook Prompts
Module 7: Closing Remarks
Thank you! (3:00)
Lesson 2: Ending the Cycle. (Mindset)
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